We Are Defining Love the Wrong Way |LOVE IN THE OTHER SENCE

We Are Defining Love the Wrong Way

Love in another sense

Hi guys did you that the love has different faces . When we fall in love with someone we even notice, that you know what is that let  me explain.

Love in that sense 

Love is that poison that everyone tries to eat . It is that poison that first attacks the heart of the person. So now the heart of that person is not in his/her control . And after that it attacks on the imagination of that person . The person who first do every task of his / her parent now he neglect them its because he is in love and now  he only thinks about her /him. Even his /her friends also feels a change in his her behavior .So in this way  he  loses his/her study also. 
We Are Defining Love the Wrong Way |

I am not saying that a person who is in love is going to be in a wrong path . But there should be some limits . Did you know that when a person in love he don’t want to do those things that he actually do?  May be that line looks to be stupid or you don’t understand, but its true. By the way where we are oh love in other sense  . so always try to remain close with your parents and with your friends because only those will take care off you whenever you needs a company always be yours don’t give your control to someone other’s hand . Always remember that our parents are first that we need, so be yours be your parents. Have a nice life  with your family.

We Are Defining Love the Wrong Way | I hope you like '

We Are Defining Love the Wrong Way

so please share with your friends,thanks have a nice life.


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